My Precious Gifts From God

My Precious Gifts From God
My life revolves around God and these 3 amazing children!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Soccer Star!

Ahhhh! I'm a soccer mom!  I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would ever be a "soccer mom".  I have now been one for 6 years and I am loving every minute of it!  C tried finding his sport for quite some time.  He played t-ball, baseball, football and finally found "his" sport when he started soccer.  He has always been the type of child that was always on the go!  He hasn't really ever been very patient either, even from birth.  He couldn't wait to enter the world, so he decided it was time to show his sweet face a few days before surgery was scheduled.  When we got him home, he always wanted to eat before his scheduled feedings, and he never ever wanted to go to bed when it was time for bed.  He also was ALWAYS awake before the sun was even out!  As he got older and more mobile, he couldn't just stay in one place with one toy, he had to have many!  So you could only imagine how much fun he had when he started school.  In pre-k and Kindergarten they got to go to stations, so that kept him pretty busy.  Then he started 1st grade and it was no longer any fun. Sitting in one place with one teacher wasn't his favorite thing to do.  Now that he is a 7th grader and going to several classes throughout the day, he's all good! Back to sports!  Soccer is the kind of sport that keeps you on your toes the WHOLE time!  So yep, that's his favorite sport to play!  I love watching him play!  He is really good!  Baseball was too boring for him and football is way to complicated. 

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